This is being lost again. A guy actually came down the wrong side of the road, stopped 5 inches from us looked at Jace, to see if he was dead, and then drove off with out a word. This picture was taken about 3 hours before we actually even got home.

Little banana farm, where took a pee break and finally decided to turn around.

The wrong way we went for about an hour and a half.

Mike showing us his talents to be able to pee with one hand!

Cute little baby that was flabergasted to see white people!

This is me attempting to taste what Mike had. Its a little hard when the entire plate of noodles is one noodle.

This is what we found after we turned on our "Noody" senses! ha ha We just all wanted noodles and we definitely got exactly what we wanted! It was probably the best most satisfying meal we've had since I've gottent to China

Icky yucky water thats been contaminated.

Headin back out into the rest of the town. B-e-a-utiful!

Yeah this is us pointing to where we thought North was, I do have to say though that where MY finger was pointing, was right!!

Gettin' our ice cream, at a little shop we stopped at. It was only half a kuai! So i got two! :)

We stopped at a little shop to eat ice cream. This is only a third of the amount of people watching us.

Us on our joyous adventure, second town we found that was a lot of farms and beautiful countryside

Part of the same town. I dont blame these boys for looking at 6 americans riding their bikes down there little out of the way town. They were playing by a dirty river.

The wonderful countryside behind me and me riding the devilish bike that made my bum all kinds of sore and making the trip a little bit unpleasant

Sorry the pictures are out of order, this is us embarking on our journey to we did not know where. We just had a general direction and a desire to see more countrside than city. We live in a pretty busy city.

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